(too old to reply)
2007-07-15 19:39:24 UTC
and offer software for technical analysis of stocks/commodities/
futures/forex markets:

ART Charting Software for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code)
AATS - Accurate Trading CCI ZLR Trading System (EasyLanguage Open
AATS - LTC ES Scalper System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
ATW Indicators and Strategies for Tradestation
Advanced Get v1.3 RT build 320 for eSignal
Advanced GET v9.1 EOD Dashboard Edition for eSignal
Advanced GET EOD v7.8 build 420
Advanced GET Studies for eSignal (amVWAP, autoxtl, autoxtl21,
GET6-4channel, GETmultiOSC, TrueHighLowBars)
AIQ Trading Expert and AIQ Option Expert v8.2
Alchemy indicators and systems (http://www.tradingalchemy.com)
Alpha Centauri by Jan Arps for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 (EasyLanguage Open
AlphOmega Elliott Waves v5.6 for Metastock + manual (http://
Alyuda Tradecision v1.8 pro (http://www.tradecision.com)
Amcan Systens & Indicators for TS8.1 (EasyLanguage Open Code)
AmiBroker v4.90 (http://www.amibroker.com)
Applied Reality Trading (http://www.traderscoach.com)
APS v4.8 (http://www.tradingpatterns.com)
ART Charting Software for TS 8 (EasyLanguage Open Code)
ATS-3200 (http://www.ats3200.com)
ATS-6400 Trading Software (http://www.ats3200.com)
AXIOM Index Swing System (EasyLanguage Open Code) for TS2000i, TS8 +
manual (http://www.axiomindex.homestead.com)
Aztec Trading System for Tradestation (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Belly Trader by John Clayburg (EasyLanguage Open Code) for TS2000i,
TS7, TS8 + manual (http://www.clayburg.com)
Bob Eldridge "Cash Cow Trading Lab Dvd Series"
Bradley Barometer + manual (http://www.alphee.com)
Bryce Gilmore WaveTrader 2004 for Esignal
Builder Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
BWT Trend Indicators II for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Cable24 Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
CandlePower v6.0 (www.chartandscan.com)
CART v5.0.9.156 + Manuals (http://www.salford-systems.com)
Cobalt Trading System http://www.earlybirdtrading.homestead.com)
Compass for TS2000i, TS8.1 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Crystal Ball v7.2.104.0 Professional Edition + manual (http://
Cycle Trends Professional v2.30 with manual (http://
Cyclone system for TS by John Clayburg (http://www.clayburg.com)
Cynthia Kase Tradestation v5.1 RT (http://www.kaseco.com)
Darlene Nelson "Lifestyle Trading With L.E.A.P.S. DVD Series"
Darlene Nelson "Trading The Q's DVD Course"
DecisionBar for Tradestation v8.1 (http://www.decisionbar.com)
DeepInsight v9.5 RT Pro (http://www.deepinsight.com)
Delta Graphics Director Edition Intraday & Forex v3.19
Delta Graphics v2.18 (http://www.deltasociety.com)
Delta Turning Points for Advanced GET
Dimonx6 Platinum (http://www.forex-mhv.com)
Discipulus v3.0 (http://www.aimlearning.com)
Drummond Geometry course (1-30 lessons) + TS indicators package
Dynamic Gann Level System for TradeStation 2000i Metastock/Excel +
Dynamic Trader 5.0 RealTime
Dynamic Trader 5.0 EOD
Dynamic Trading Multimedia Workshop
Dynamite Sentimentor v5.15 + Manuals (http://www.fipertec.com)
Dynaorder v3.08 (http://www.dynaorder.com)
Dynastore Light for Qfeed v4.0 SPI Build 20916
Dynastore Pro v2.0.1 Build 1218
EarlyBird III Trading System (http://
Elliotician Certification Trading Course
eASCTrend v6.0 Professional (UNLIMITED) + Video Tutorials (http://
Elliott Wave v7.7 RT (http://www.prognosis.nl)
Ensign Windows Multifeed 28.10.05 (http://www.ensignsoftware.com)
EntryPoint 2006 for TS8,Ts2000 open code (http://www.softwaresolutions-
Euro Metrics Trading System (http://www.tradecenterinc.com)
EMini Master Pro for Esignal (http://www.tradecenterinc.com)
Feeder Trader by John Clayburg for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 open code (http://
Fibonacci Trader v4.0 R75 RT + manual
FinCad Developer v8.1.0.61 (http://www.fincad.com)
FinCAD XL v9.1 (http://www.fincad.com)
Focal Point for Tradestation2000i (http://www.joekrut.com)
Forex Compass Nostradamus System (http://www.nostradamus.co.uk)
ForexMoneyMap (http://www.fxmoneymap.com)
FuzzyTECH v5.54 (http://www.fuzzytech.com)
FX-Dynamics Trading system (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Gannalyst Professional 4
Genesis B Japanese YEN Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Harmonic Analyzer 4
Hawkeye indicators for Tradestation + home study course
Helix for TS2000i, TS 7, TS8 decompiled (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Hologram GBP_USD System for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Indicia Trading Systems (http://www.indiciatechnologies.net)
Investor RT v8.6 for DTN-IQ, IB, Quote.com, eSignal + manual (http://
Jan Arps - HawkEye toolkit for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Jan Arps Swing Traders Toolbox (http://www.janarps.com)
Joe Krut Time Charger Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Jurik Research DLL Module for Windows Application Developers
KwikPop 4.0 for TS8 (http://www.easysignal.com)
Long-Term Trading System (by www.longtermtrading.com)
Anomaly 1 Rel. 1.01
Anomaly 2 Rel. 1.01
Ready-Set-Go Rel. 1.02
Wave Rider Rel. 1.0
CoatTails System
Magic Dots Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Markay Latimer "Better Trades Technically Speaking Set'
MarketAxe Indicators (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Market Cycles Add-on for Dynamic Trader 5.0
Market Delta 8.6.1 Professional for Esignal
Market Delta 8.6.1 Professional for DTN IQFeed
Market Delta 8.6.1 Professional for Interactive Brokers
Market System Analyzer v2.0 + manual (http://www.adaptrade.com)
Market Trader Platinum build 17 January 2006 + manual + video (http://
Market Warrior v4.0.178 (http://www.marketwarrior.com)
MARS v2.0 + manuals (http://www.salford-systems.com)
MB Risk Management (MBRM) Universal Addins for Excel v9.32F + manual
Metastock Professional v9.0 for eSignal
Metastock v10 (CD)
Millenium 2000 Trading System for TradeStation2000i (http://
Minimax II v2 (http://www.breakoutfutures.com)
MTPredictor v5 EOD + Trading course (http://www.mtpredictor.com)
Murrey Math Trading Frame Software v1.7.5 RT for QFeed (http://
Mystery Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Neoticker v4 Real-Time and EOD (http://www.tickquest.com)
NeuroForecaster GA 2003+GeneMiner 2003+VisuaData 2003+Select
2003+guides (http://www.kDiscovery.com)
Neuroshell Adaptive Net Indicators
NeuroShell add-ons from Stock and Commodities and Private Web Site I
NeuroShell add-ons from Stock and Commodities and Private Web Site II
Neuroshell and Gene hunter video tutorial (CD)
Neuroshell Daytrader Adaptive Turboprop2
Neuroshell Daytrader Advanced Indicator Set 1
Neuroshell Daytrader DataXchange API
Neuroshell Daytrader Neural Indicators
Neuroshell DayTrader Professional interface
NeuroShell DayTrader Professional v4.5
Neuroshell Trader - Developer Kit (Examples)
Neuroshell Trader - Systems Developer Kit
NeuroShell Trader Pro v5.2 (http://www.neuroshell.com)
NeuroSolutions v5.0 (http://www.nd.com)
NinjaTrader MultiBroker Edition version v5.1.1000.2 (http://
Ninja trader add-on for MT Predictor
NSP-31 (http://www.nsp31.com/)
Ocean theory indicators by Jim Sloman for TS8 + manual (EasyLanguage
Open Code) (http://www.gfds.com/ocean/)
Omnitrader 2007 RT Release 2 (Stocks edition, Futures edition, ARM3-
Stocks, ARM3-Futures, ARM3-Funds, Strategy Builder, FOLIOfn plugin,
Pattern Recognition, Volume based systems, Guppy system, Hussein's
System, Darvas system, Pring's KST system, Pring's RS system, TLB
system, Pattern system, Future system)
Omnitrader 2007 plug-ins:
Nirvana Darvas Box
Nirvana iTLB 2.0
Nirvana Pring KST
Woodie's CCI
Chart Pattern Systems 2.0
Chart Pattern Systems
Nirvana Guppy Multiple Moving Average (GMMA)
Volume Systems Plug-in
Nirvana Woodie's CCI
OptimalTrader 1.60.160 + Lessons (http://www.deltaneutral.com)
Option Simulator Real Time v3.4.2 (http://www.bayoptions.com)
Option Sleuth Pro v1.92 (http://www.astrotechsoftware.com)
Options Investigator v5.0
OwnData v2.5 (http://www.tssupport.com)
Palisade Decision Tools Suite v4.5.2 (http://www.palisade-europe.com)
Personal Network Server (http://www.hypertrader.it/pns.shtml)
Pound Metrics Trading System (http://www.tradecenterinc.com)
Premium Solver Engines v6.5 for Excel (solver.com)
Prime-Line Tradestation Suite
QCollector Pro v2.5.3 for QChart (http://www.mechtrading.com)
Quant Developer v2.2.2 Enterprise Edition + manual (http://

seminars (http://www.digevent.com):
Pristine: Guerrilla Trading Tactics With Oliver L.Velez
Pristine: Micro Trading Tactics With Oliver L.Velez
Pristine: Swing Trading Tactics With Oliver L.Velez

Profit Navigator software for eSignal - (http://
ProfitSource (http://www.profitsource.com)
Pro-Signal forex trading system (http://www.prosignal.net)
Raptor II + plugins (http://www.tradingmarkets.com)
R&W Master Suite package: (SPTrader, NYFE Trader, Bpound Trader, Euro
RC Conservative for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
RC Miracles for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://www.rc3200.com)
RC Success 3 Trading System
RC Success for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code)
RC DayTrader Level 7 Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Refined Elliott Trader 1.0.9 (http://www.elliottician.com)
R-MESA 5 for TS (EasyLanguage Open Code) + manual (http://
R-Mesa 5 Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
RoadRunner strategy for TS8.1 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Roy Kelly Floor Traders Tools 8.2 incl. RK Dynamic Cycles for TS8.1
Rumba for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Safir XP v1.7 + manual http://(www.sirtrade.com)
Shockwave Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Sirtrade Market Profile for Tradestion 8.1
Smart-eTrades e-mini DayTrader Series - Eagle, Dragon, and Raven
Trading Systems (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Sniper Trading System for Tradestation
Quant Developer 2.2.2 Enterprise Edition + manual (http://
SpyGlass 2.5 for MetaStock 8.0 and 9.0 (http://www.debry.com)
SqueezePlay and TrendyWendy for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 (http://
Stata v8.0 + Manual (http://www.stata.com)
STC V-Based S&P Daytrade System (http://staffordtrading.com)
Stock Manager v4.2 for Palm (http://www.TinyStocks.com)
Tango for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Tenfore Satelite QuoteSpeed Server v4.7
Technical Analysis of Stock & Commodities v6.21 (CD)
TESS (Trading Edge Strategy Software v2.0.31) + Manual (http://
The Alvarez Factor Daytrading Program (http://www.tradingmarkets.com)
The ETF Sweet Spot Trading System (http://www.tradingmarkets.com)
The Grail GGO with CASB v1.594
The Grail Walk Forward Optimzer v1.440
THE GRAIL Walk-forward Optimizer
The Hanna ETF Money Flow Trading System (http://
The Joe Krut Quarterpounder Systems 1 + 2 ((http://www.joekrut.com)
The Landry Mentoring Sessions (CD) (http://www.tradingmarkets.com)
The Market Matrix by Steve Copan (3 CDs)
The TradeGuider Home Study CD 460MB
Time Charger for TS 2000i, TS8.1 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
TimingSolution 1.0 build 17-03-2006 - (http://www.timingsolution.com)
Track 'n Trade Pro v4.0.5.1 (http://www.geckosoftware.com)
TradeGuider 2.5.3 RT for eSignal
TradeGuider EOD-Live v2.215 (http://www.tradeguider.com)
Tradestation v8.2
TradeTimer TT1 for TS - (http://www.tradetimer.com)
TraderXL Pro Package v5.4 (http://www.analyzerxl.com)
Trading Blox Builder 2.1.3 (http://www.tradingblox.com)
Trading The Bands System + Manual For TS - (http://bandtraders.com)
TradingMarkets Aggressive Momentum Method (http://
Trend Simplicity system (http://www.trendsimplicity.com)
Universal II (http://staffordtrading.com)
Vantage Point Software v7
Viscovery SOMine v3.0 Enterprise Edition + Manual (http://
VPI_3 + Manual for TS - (http://www.velocitrade.com)
Wave 59 RT v2.13 (http://www.wave59.com)
WealthLab Developer v4.0.2 (http://www.wealth-lab.com)
WHY MARKETS TURN Package (4.3 GBs)
WizeTrade v7.0.17 + tutorial (http://www.wizetrade.com)
WizeTrade Commodities Made Easy Pro for Esignal.com
Yen Trader, Swiss Trader, Dmark Trader, TBond Trader)

E-Signal Add-ons:
Arps Crown Jewels + Hurst Bands for eSignal (EFS Open Code) (http://
ART Charting Software for Esignal (EFS Open Code)
ConceptForex indicators for eSignal (EFS Open Code) (http://
Decision Bar for eSignal v2.0 for eSignal. (EFS Open Source Code)
EZ2 Trade Charting Collection for eSignal + manual (EFS Open Code)
Hamzei Analytics indicators for eSignal (EFS Open Code) (http://
Hawkeye indicators for Esignal
Kase Statware indicators for Esignal.com
KwikPop indicators 3.1 for eSignal (EFS Open Code) + manual (http://
Power Tools by Teresa Lo for eSignal (EFS Open Code) (http://
TurnSignal Indicators for Esignal (EFS Open Code)
Roy Kelly Advanced Package for Esignal (EFS Open Code) (All)
SST ProPlus plugin for Esignal (EFS Open Code)

Metastock Add-Ons:
Adaptick ICE 2.0 for Metastock + Manual (http://www.adaptick.com)
Adaptick PowerStriker SR for MS (http://www.adaptick.com)
AlphOmega Elliott Waves 5.6 for Metastock + manual (http://
AlphOmega ElliotWaves 4.4 for MetaStock 8.0 + Manual
Bollinger Bands System
Cahen indicator for MS
Constance Brown INDX for MS Works
Dynamic Trading Tools
Equis - Support & Resistance
ERSA Relative Strength Analyser
ETS Trading System for MS + Manual (http://www.traderssoftware.com)
Fractal Finance
Gann Square of 9 for MS
Gann Trend, Hi-Lo, Swing for MS
Gann Vortex and Gann Fixed Lines for MS
George Angell - LSS Daytrading System Indicators
Gibralter MultiMarket Profit System (add-on for MetaStock)
Hilbert Cycle (add-on for MetaStock)
HPO Indicator + Manual for MS (http://www.thomhartle.com)
Investor's Dream & Manuals
John Murphy's Chart Pattern Recognition
Kwikpop for Metastock
Larry Williams indicators for Metastock
Metastock Developers Kit
Misc. Systems for Metastock
Murrey Math Indicator
Nirvana Trading Systems
Performance Systems
Performance Systems Plus
Profit Testing Systems
SpyGlass v2.5 (http://www.Debry.com)
Steve Nison's CandleSticks Unleashed
Tactical Trader full original version (Open Source Code) (http://
Thomas DeMark TD Sequental for MS + manual + (Open Source Code)
TORA Trading Systems for MetaStock
Trade Oracle (http://www.tsagroup.com)
TradeSim v4.2.2 Enterprise Edition + manuals (compuvision.com.au)
TrendMedium v2.5 for Mestastock 7, 8, 9 + manual (http://
Triangles II for Metastock + Manual (http://www.tsagroup.com/t2.html)
Walter Bressert Profit Trader v7.0 for MS + Manual

More than 600 books about trading!

Extremely low prices! If you find lower prices on the net,just tell
us and we will beat 'em!

Contact details:
2007-09-05 04:15:47 UTC

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Post by p***@gmail.com
and offer software for technical analysis of stocks/commodities/
ART Charting Software for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code)
AATS - Accurate Trading CCI ZLR Trading System (EasyLanguage Open
AATS - LTC ES Scalper System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
ATW Indicators and Strategies for Tradestation
Advanced Get v1.3 RT build 320 for eSignal
Advanced GET v9.1 EOD Dashboard Edition for eSignal
Advanced GET EOD v7.8 build 420
Advanced GET Studies for eSignal (amVWAP, autoxtl, autoxtl21,
GET6-4channel, GETmultiOSC, TrueHighLowBars)
AIQ Trading Expert and AIQ Option Expert v8.2
Alchemy indicators and systems (http://www.tradingalchemy.com)
Alpha Centauri by Jan Arps for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 (EasyLanguage Open
AlphOmega Elliott Waves v5.6 for Metastock + manual (http://
Alyuda Tradecision v1.8 pro (http://www.tradecision.com)
Amcan Systens & Indicators for TS8.1 (EasyLanguage Open Code)
AmiBroker v4.90 (http://www.amibroker.com)
Applied Reality Trading (http://www.traderscoach.com)
APS v4.8 (http://www.tradingpatterns.com)
ART Charting Software for TS 8 (EasyLanguage Open Code)
ATS-3200 (http://www.ats3200.com)
ATS-6400 Trading Software (http://www.ats3200.com)
AXIOM Index Swing System (EasyLanguage Open Code) for TS2000i, TS8 +
manual (http://www.axiomindex.homestead.com)
Aztec Trading System for Tradestation (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Belly Trader by John Clayburg (EasyLanguage Open Code) for TS2000i,
TS7, TS8 + manual (http://www.clayburg.com)
Bob Eldridge "Cash Cow Trading Lab Dvd Series"
Bradley Barometer + manual (http://www.alphee.com)
Bryce Gilmore WaveTrader 2004 for Esignal
Builder Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
BWT Trend Indicators II for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Cable24 Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
CandlePower v6.0 (www.chartandscan.com)
CART v5.0.9.156 + Manuals (http://www.salford-systems.com)
Cobalt Trading System http://www.earlybirdtrading.homestead.com)
Compass for TS2000i, TS8.1 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Crystal Ball v7.2.104.0 Professional Edition + manual (http://
Cycle Trends Professional v2.30 with manual (http://
Cyclone system for TS by John Clayburg (http://www.clayburg.com)
Cynthia Kase Tradestation v5.1 RT (http://www.kaseco.com)
Darlene Nelson "Lifestyle Trading With L.E.A.P.S. DVD Series"
Darlene Nelson "Trading The Q's DVD Course"
DecisionBar for Tradestation v8.1 (http://www.decisionbar.com)
DeepInsight v9.5 RT Pro (http://www.deepinsight.com)
Delta Graphics Director Edition Intraday & Forex v3.19
Delta Graphics v2.18 (http://www.deltasociety.com)
Delta Turning Points for Advanced GET
Dimonx6 Platinum (http://www.forex-mhv.com)
Discipulus v3.0 (http://www.aimlearning.com)
Drummond Geometry course (1-30 lessons) + TS indicators package
Dynamic Gann Level System for TradeStation 2000i Metastock/Excel +
Dynamic Trader 5.0 RealTime
Dynamic Trader 5.0 EOD
Dynamic Trading Multimedia Workshop
Dynamite Sentimentor v5.15 + Manuals (http://www.fipertec.com)
Dynaorder v3.08 (http://www.dynaorder.com)
Dynastore Light for Qfeed v4.0 SPI Build 20916
Dynastore Pro v2.0.1 Build 1218
EarlyBird III Trading System (http://
Elliotician Certification Trading Course
eASCTrend v6.0 Professional (UNLIMITED) + Video Tutorials (http://
Elliott Wave v7.7 RT (http://www.prognosis.nl)
Ensign Windows Multifeed 28.10.05 (http://www.ensignsoftware.com)
EntryPoint 2006 for TS8,Ts2000 open code (http://www.softwaresolutions-
Euro Metrics Trading System (http://www.tradecenterinc.com)
EMini Master Pro for Esignal (http://www.tradecenterinc.com)
Feeder Trader by John Clayburg for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 open code (http://
Fibonacci Trader v4.0 R75 RT + manual
FinCad Developer v8.1.0.61 (http://www.fincad.com)
FinCAD XL v9.1 (http://www.fincad.com)
Focal Point for Tradestation2000i (http://www.joekrut.com)
Forex Compass Nostradamus System (http://www.nostradamus.co.uk)
ForexMoneyMap (http://www.fxmoneymap.com)
FuzzyTECH v5.54 (http://www.fuzzytech.com)
FX-Dynamics Trading system (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Gannalyst Professional 4
Genesis B Japanese YEN Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Harmonic Analyzer 4
Hawkeye indicators for Tradestation + home study course
Helix for TS2000i, TS 7, TS8 decompiled (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Hologram GBP_USD System for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Indicia Trading Systems (http://www.indiciatechnologies.net)
Investor RT v8.6 for DTN-IQ, IB, Quote.com, eSignal + manual (http://
Jan Arps - HawkEye toolkit for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Jan Arps Swing Traders Toolbox (http://www.janarps.com)
Joe Krut Time Charger Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Jurik Research DLL Module for Windows Application Developers
KwikPop 4.0 for TS8 (http://www.easysignal.com)
Long-Term Trading System (by www.longtermtrading.com)
Anomaly 1 Rel. 1.01
Anomaly 2 Rel. 1.01
Ready-Set-Go Rel. 1.02
Wave Rider Rel. 1.0
CoatTails System
Magic Dots Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Markay Latimer "Better Trades Technically Speaking Set'
MarketAxe Indicators (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Market Cycles Add-on for Dynamic Trader 5.0
Market Delta 8.6.1 Professional for Esignal
Market Delta 8.6.1 Professional for DTN IQFeed
Market Delta 8.6.1 Professional for Interactive Brokers
Market System Analyzer v2.0 + manual (http://www.adaptrade.com)
Market Trader Platinum build 17 January 2006 + manual + video (http://
Market Warrior v4.0.178 (http://www.marketwarrior.com)
MARS v2.0 + manuals (http://www.salford-systems.com)
MB Risk Management (MBRM) Universal Addins for Excel v9.32F + manual
Metastock Professional v9.0 for eSignal
Metastock v10 (CD)
Millenium 2000 Trading System for TradeStation2000i (http://
Minimax II v2 (http://www.breakoutfutures.com)
MTPredictor v5 EOD + Trading course (http://www.mtpredictor.com)
Murrey Math Trading Frame Software v1.7.5 RT for QFeed (http://
Mystery Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Neoticker v4 Real-Time and EOD (http://www.tickquest.com)
NeuroForecaster GA 2003+GeneMiner 2003+VisuaData 2003+Select
2003+guides (http://www.kDiscovery.com)
Neuroshell Adaptive Net Indicators
NeuroShell add-ons from Stock and Commodities and Private Web Site I
NeuroShell add-ons from Stock and Commodities and Private Web Site II
Neuroshell and Gene hunter video tutorial (CD)
Neuroshell Daytrader Adaptive Turboprop2
Neuroshell Daytrader Advanced Indicator Set 1
Neuroshell Daytrader DataXchange API
Neuroshell Daytrader Neural Indicators
Neuroshell DayTrader Professional interface
NeuroShell DayTrader Professional v4.5
Neuroshell Trader - Developer Kit (Examples)
Neuroshell Trader - Systems Developer Kit
NeuroShell Trader Pro v5.2 (http://www.neuroshell.com)
NeuroSolutions v5.0 (http://www.nd.com)
NinjaTrader MultiBroker Edition version v5.1.1000.2 (http://
Ninja trader add-on for MT Predictor
NSP-31 (http://www.nsp31.com/)
Ocean theory indicators by Jim Sloman for TS8 + manual (EasyLanguage
Open Code) (http://www.gfds.com/ocean/)
Omnitrader 2007 RT Release 2 (Stocks edition, Futures edition, ARM3-
Stocks, ARM3-Futures, ARM3-Funds, Strategy Builder, FOLIOfn plugin,
Pattern Recognition, Volume based systems, Guppy system, Hussein's
System, Darvas system, Pring's KST system, Pring's RS system, TLB
system, Pattern system, Future system)
Nirvana Darvas Box
Nirvana iTLB 2.0
Nirvana Pring KST
Woodie's CCI
Chart Pattern Systems 2.0
Chart Pattern Systems
Nirvana Guppy Multiple Moving Average (GMMA)
Volume Systems Plug-in
Nirvana Woodie's CCI
OptimalTrader 1.60.160 + Lessons (http://www.deltaneutral.com)
Option Simulator Real Time v3.4.2 (http://www.bayoptions.com)
Option Sleuth Pro v1.92 (http://www.astrotechsoftware.com)
Options Investigator v5.0
OwnData v2.5 (http://www.tssupport.com)
Palisade Decision Tools Suite v4.5.2 (http://www.palisade-europe.com)
Personal Network Server (http://www.hypertrader.it/pns.shtml)
Pound Metrics Trading System (http://www.tradecenterinc.com)
Premium Solver Engines v6.5 for Excel (solver.com)
Prime-Line Tradestation Suite
QCollector Pro v2.5.3 for QChart (http://www.mechtrading.com)
Quant Developer v2.2.2 Enterprise Edition + manual (http://
Pristine: Guerrilla Trading Tactics With Oliver L.Velez
Pristine: Micro Trading Tactics With Oliver L.Velez
Pristine: Swing Trading Tactics With Oliver L.Velez
Profit Navigator software for eSignal - (http://
ProfitSource (http://www.profitsource.com)
Pro-Signal forex trading system (http://www.prosignal.net)
Raptor II + plugins (http://www.tradingmarkets.com)
R&W Master Suite package: (SPTrader, NYFE Trader, Bpound Trader, Euro
RC Conservative for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
RC Miracles for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://www.rc3200.com)
RC Success 3 Trading System
RC Success for TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code)
RC DayTrader Level 7 Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Refined Elliott Trader 1.0.9 (http://www.elliottician.com)
R-MESA 5 for TS (EasyLanguage Open Code) + manual (http://
R-Mesa 5 Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
RoadRunner strategy for TS8.1 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Roy Kelly Floor Traders Tools 8.2 incl. RK Dynamic Cycles for TS8.1
Rumba for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Safir XP v1.7 + manual http://(www.sirtrade.com)
Shockwave Trading System (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Sirtrade Market Profile for Tradestion 8.1
Smart-eTrades e-mini DayTrader Series - Eagle, Dragon, and Raven
Trading Systems (EasyLanguage Open Code)
Sniper Trading System for Tradestation
Quant Developer 2.2.2 Enterprise Edition + manual (http://
SpyGlass 2.5 for MetaStock 8.0 and 9.0 (http://www.debry.com)
SqueezePlay and TrendyWendy for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 (http://
Stata v8.0 + Manual (http://www.stata.com)
STC V-Based S&P Daytrade System (http://staffordtrading.com)
Stock Manager v4.2 for Palm (http://www.TinyStocks.com)
Tango for TS2000i, TS7, TS8 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
Tenfore Satelite QuoteSpeed Server v4.7
Technical Analysis of Stock & Commodities v6.21 (CD)
TESS (Trading Edge Strategy Software v2.0.31) + Manual (http://
The Alvarez Factor Daytrading Program (http://www.tradingmarkets.com)
The ETF Sweet Spot Trading System (http://www.tradingmarkets.com)
The Grail GGO with CASB v1.594
The Grail Walk Forward Optimzer v1.440
THE GRAIL Walk-forward Optimizer
The Hanna ETF Money Flow Trading System (http://
The Joe Krut Quarterpounder Systems 1 + 2 ((http://www.joekrut.com)
The Landry Mentoring Sessions (CD) (http://www.tradingmarkets.com)
The Market Matrix by Steve Copan (3 CDs)
The TradeGuider Home Study CD 460MB
Time Charger for TS 2000i, TS8.1 (EasyLanguage Open Code) (http://
TimingSolution 1.0 build 17-03-2006 - (http://www.timingsolution.com)
Track 'n Trade Pro v4.0.5.1 (http://www.geckosoftware.com)
TradeGuider 2.5.3 RT for eSignal
TradeGuider EOD-Live v2.215 (http://www.tradeguider.com)
Tradestation v8.2
TradeTimer TT1 for TS - (http://www.tradetimer.com)
TraderXL Pro Package v5.4 (http://www.analyzerxl.com)
Trading Blox Builder 2.1.3 (http://www.tradingblox.com)
Trading The Bands System + Manual For TS - (http://bandtraders.com)
TradingMarkets Aggressive Momentum Method (http://
Trend Simplicity system (http://www.trendsimplicity.com)
Universal II (http://staffordtrading.com)
Vantage Point Software v7
Viscovery SOMine v3.0 Enterprise Edition + Manual (http://
VPI_3 + Manual for TS - (http://www.velocitrade.com)
Wave 59 RT v2.13 (http://www.wave59.com)
WealthLab Developer v4.0.2 (http://www.wealth-lab.com)
WHY MARKETS TURN Package (4.3 GBs)
WizeTrade v7.0.17 + tutorial (http://www.wizetrade.com)
WizeTrade Commodities Made Easy Pro for Esignal.com
Yen Trader, Swiss Trader, Dmark Trader, TBond Trader)
Arps Crown Jewels + Hurst Bands for eSignal (EFS Open Code) (http://
ART Charting Software for Esignal (EFS Open Code)
ConceptForex indicators for eSignal (EFS Open Code) (http://
Decision Bar for eSignal v2.0 for eSignal. (EFS Open Source Code)
EZ2 Trade Charting Collection for eSignal + manual (EFS Open Code)
Hamzei Analytics indicators for eSignal (EFS Open Code) (http://
Hawkeye indicators for Esignal
Kase Statware indicators for Esignal.com
KwikPop indicators 3.1 for eSignal (EFS Open Code) + manual (http://
Power Tools by Teresa Lo for eSignal (EFS Open Code) (http://
TurnSignal Indicators for Esignal (EFS Open Code)
Roy Kelly Advanced Package for Esignal (EFS Open Code) (All)
SST ProPlus plugin for Esignal (EFS Open Code)
Adaptick ICE 2.0 for Metastock + Manual (http://www.adaptick.com)
Adaptick PowerStriker SR for MS (http://www.adaptick.com)
AlphOmega Elliott Waves 5.6 for Metastock + manual (http://
AlphOmega ElliotWaves 4.4 for MetaStock 8.0 + Manual
Bollinger Bands System
Cahen indicator for MS
Constance Brown INDX for MS Works
Dynamic Trading Tools
Equis - Support & Resistance
ERSA Relative Strength Analyser
ETS Trading System for MS + Manual (http://www.traderssoftware.com)
Fractal Finance
Gann Square of 9 for MS
Gann Trend, Hi-Lo, Swing for MS
Gann Vortex and Gann Fixed Lines for MS
George Angell - LSS Daytrading System Indicators
Gibralter MultiMarket Profit System (add-on for MetaStock)
Hilbert Cycle (add-on for MetaStock)
HPO Indicator + Manual for MS (http://www.thomhartle.com)
Investor's Dream & Manuals
John Murphy's Chart Pattern Recognition
Kwikpop for Metastock
Larry Williams indicators for Metastock
Metastock Developers Kit
Misc. Systems for Metastock
Murrey Math Indicator
Nirvana Trading Systems
Performance Systems
Performance Systems Plus
Profit Testing Systems
SpyGlass v2.5 (http://www.Debry.com)
Steve Nison's CandleSticks Unleashed
Tactical Trader full original version (Open Source Code) (http://
Thomas DeMark TD Sequental for MS + manual + (Open Source Code)
TORA Trading Systems for MetaStock
Trade Oracle (http://www.tsagroup.com)
TradeSim v4.2.2 Enterprise Edition + manuals (compuvision.com.au)
TrendMedium v2.5 for Mestastock 7, 8, 9 + manual (http://
Triangles II for Metastock + Manual (http://www.tsagroup.com/t2.html)
Walter Bressert Profit Trader v7.0 for MS + Manual
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